Charging the future

Chargemaster Plc is the UK’s leading designer, manufacturer and operator of electric vehicle charging points.
LA has designed both commercial and home charging units for the company but the new range of compact 50 kW Ultracharge units can fully charge all types of UK electric vehicles in around half an hour, dramatically enhancing the possibilities for a ‘greener’ environment.
Dramatically enhancing the possibilities
for a ‘greener’ environment

The next generation of rapid charging. Perfect when speed is paramount, rapidly charging EVs to extend their range and so continue their journey.
Revolutionary and innovative design
More compact, stylish and easier to install than ‘traditional’ rapid chargers
Charges most vehicles to 80% in only 30 minutes
Fully integrated tethered cables with 50kW CHAdeMO, 50kW CCS and 43kW AC connections
Intuitive, customer-friendly touchscreen interface
Runs from a 3 phase 400V/80A supply per phase